How To Keep Your Bike Safe

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In a perfect world, we shouldn’t have to worry about how safe your bike is. But unfortunately, you do. On average, there are between 80 to 100 thousand bike thefts a year in the UK, so keeping yours safe and sound is as important as ever. But what steps can you take to keep your bike as safe as possible?


Buy a good lock

The first and one of the most important things you should do is investing in a good quality, Sold Secure certified bike lock. Not only will it keep your bike safe, it will also potentially deter any thieves from trying to steal your bike. Afterall, they want to be as quick as possible and the more complicated and high quality the lock, the longer it will take.



When you’re out

If you are a commuter or are just riding your bike to the shops and back, you need to consider where and how you are leaving your bike. Whether it is day or night, make sure to leave your bike in a well-lit area so that people passing buy can clearly see it. This could on a street, or even in designated parking zones. For those who commute every day, you should also try to park somewhere different each day – stops thieves knowing exactly where you’ll park every day.

It goes without saying, but make sure to lock your bike when leaving it unattended. Try to use two bike locks and make sure to lock both of your wheels as well as the frame. This will stop someone from detaching the wheels and taking the frame.


When at home

Whilst you may think your bike is safer at home, you still need to take extra precautions. When choosing a place to store your bike, make sure it somewhere lockable and out of sight. Places like your garage or shed are great places, or even places in your house where it can be hidden.


Insure it

Bikes can be expensive, and the last thing you want is for it to be stolen and then you have no bike and have fork out more money for a new one. To avoid this, you should get your bike insured so you are covered if the worst does happen. Just make sure to shop around to get the best deal for you.

Jess Bradley

Staff writer at Towsure. In her free time, Jess loves to enjoy the outdoors by bicycle or on day trips

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